3 reasons you should learn martial arts right now.

  1. Confidence and self-esteem

    For most, exercise is something we know we should be doing, but just don’t. It’s only when we face these daunting problems head on, we can experience a pivotal change in our mentality and perspective.

    Martial arts and its techniques requires a certain degree of patience and attention to detail. The many moves in various disciplines take years to master. However, students report, once they are able to learn the techniques, there is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment empowers us with self-esteem and confidence.

    Podcaster, Joe Rogan, is quoted in one of his podcasts: “I think every young man should learn how to fight… I think it’s a skill, and I think you learn it and then once you start getting good at it, it starts actually becoming fun… It’s a giant confidence boost to know you can do something difficult and get better.”

    Source: @7:20 https://youtu.be/yuCk5vR2Y1g

  2. Health and longevity

    This may seem like an obvious one. But the overall physical and mental health benefits of exercise continues to be hugely undervalued by most. To put it shortly, people that haven’t indulged in exercise before, don’t know what they’re missing out on.

    A study conducted on 2 groups of school children (One having practised martial arts and one having not) withdrew conclusive evidence of martial arts and it’s correlation with improved mental state and capabilities. Through a series of interviews and testing, the participants reported a significant improvement in resilience and self-efficacy (The ability produce a desired or intended result.)

    Through martial arts training, you can achieve supreme physical fitness, empower yourself with achieving rapid weight loss and facilitate the release of mood regulating hormones your brain depends on. If you are looking to shed some unwanted fat and get your life back in order, then martial arts is perfect for you.

  3. Teaches us to complete our goals

    A study conducted on 2 groups of school children (One having practised martial arts and one having not) withdrew conclusive evidence of martial arts and it’s correlation with improved mental state and capabilities. Through a series of interviews and testing, the participants reported a significant improvement in resilience and self-efficacy (The ability produce a desired or intended result.)

    Yes, the physical endeavour is rigorous and demanding, but it is equally important to recognise that on our journey, we are set to learn the true essence of our discipline. By the time we are skilled enough to call ourselves real martial artists, we will have been imbued with martial arts’ true values.


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Study finds strong link between martial arts and confidence.